Revitalizing Senior Fitness: Vivo’s Journey to Digital Integration with Coral Team

Blog | Technology, Case Study


In today's society, we're witnessing a remarkable turn towards an aging population that continues to lead vibrant, active lives well into their senior years. 

Against this backdrop, Vivo offers a pioneering fitness program tailored for seniors, focusing on rebuilding muscle and enhancing quality of life through science-backed strength training. 

Seeking to streamline their services and establish a distinctive, recognizable product, 

Vivo approached Coral Team with an ambitious goal to create and strengthen their own fitness product, entrusting Coral Team with the development of an integrated solution that consolidates their offerings and delivers a seamless user experience, thereby reinforcing the Vivo brand identity.


Faced with a disjointed digital landscape, our client was dealing with a mix of uncoordinated systems — Momence for scheduling, Zoom™ for interactive classes, a standalone Vivo Admin Web Application, and a separate group chat function. This fragmented approach watered down the Vivo brand and made for a more complex user experience: leaving them adrift in a sea of tabs and apps. The challenge? Coral Team’s goal was to provide a smooth, integrated experience that not only simplified user interaction but also amplified Vivo's brand cohesion across platforms.


Coral Team developed a modern application to elevate Vivo's digital fitness platform significantly. Our solution relies on Structured Integration for a solid foundation, Powerful Synchronization for real-time data sharing during classes, and Custom-Fit Tech for user-friendly access. Additionally, we embraced the challenge of Effective Integrations to harmoniously blend various platforms into one unified application. Coral Team strategy redefines digital fitness, making Vivo's platform more efficient, engaging, and user-oriented.

Structured Integration

Moving from our initial blueprint to tangible solutions, Coral Team initiated a structured integration to architect Vivo's application, focusing on Integration to unify the user experience across various services, and Automation to reduce the need for manual input and streamlining workflows. 

Central to our approach was a robust framework for data protection, ensuring the highest standards of security and privacy for user data. Throughout our development process, we adhered to stringent United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines on managing, storing, and processing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI), ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data.

In the initial stage of constructing the Vivo platform, Coral Team built a smart setup that made important steps quicker and automatic, including:

  • Integration of data collection from Momence.

  • Construction of new databases for enhanced user management.

  • Comprehensive updates and revisions to the admin website.

  • Synchronization of the new Vivo website with the admin backend, eliminating the need for manual data entry by trainers.

Compared to traditional tracking methods, the illustrated reports from the Vivo application offer a more in-depth analysis of fitness progress, highlighting ongoing progress in strength, balance and endurance. These visual representations offer users a clear and insightful view of their fitness journey, enabling them to track improvements and identify areas for further development.

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Powerful Synchronization

With the foundation in place, we then focused on enhancing Vivo's live interactions through synchronization of biometric data. Coral Team addressed Vivo’s need for seamless biometric data synchronization across devices during live sessions by creating a system that efficiently synced heart rate data from Apple Watch, utilizing HealthKit, to iPhones, iPads, and website interface. This solution enabled live display of participants' vitals during Zoom™ workouts, facilitating personalized guidance from trainers based on real-time data. 

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Custom-Fit Tech

Right after achieving seamless data synchronization, we shifted our focus to refining the user experience, introducing custom-fit tech designed specifically for Vivo's community of older adults. To accommodate Vivo’s growing community, Coral Team developed an intuitive, dual-interface system for Zoom™ classes, enhancing accessibility for older adults with larger buttons and clear instructions, and equipping trainers with a control hub for personalized attention. This approach addressed both user-friendliness and advanced functionality, supporting Vivo's commitment to both physical fitness and digital ease for an aging population.

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Effective Integrations

Having refined the user interface, we moved on to weaving together diverse platforms for a cohesive Vivo fitness experience. Coral Team efficiently tackled the challenge of integrating diverse platforms into Vivo’s fitness application, including:

  • Momence, a third-party scheduling system

  • Zoom™ for live video interactions 

  • Talk JS for real-time messaging

  • HealthKit for health data

  • Microsoft Azure for cloud services

Each platform presented its own set of integration protocols and data handling specifics. The seamless interaction between these services was crucial to providing a unified user experience.

For instance, the integration of Vivo with TalkJS has fostered a vibrant community where users can thrive together. This strategic collaboration allows the Vivo members to effortlessly engage in conversations, share their fitness achievements, seek advice, and exchange valuable insights. By doing so, Vivo has cultivated an environment that encourages a healthy lifestyle and promotes mutual support and inspiration among its members. This community aspect is pivotal in empowering older adults to remain active and informed, making Vivo engaging to use.

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Client Quotation

The Vivo project showcases Coral Team’s ability to contribute to our clients' growth and success in the competitive landscape. Initially, Vivo was distinguished by its unique approach to fitness for the aging population, offering a program tailored to their active lifestyles. However, through our collaboration, Vivo has been transformed into a comprehensive digital product, one that retains its existing users and attracts new ones. 

Vivo product boasts a high retention rate, with a vast majority of users extending their engagement beyond the initial subscription period. This loyalty is further evidenced by the frequency of customer interaction, where users engage with the product on a daily basis. In terms of customer attraction, Vivo has seen its user base expand steadily, with new sign-ups doubling every quarter and, resulting in a considerable profit increase. 

Working with Coral Team offers more than just technical solutions: it creates a partnership that values innovation, efficiency, and a user-centric approach to development. Customer satisfaction has similarly reached new milestones, with 90% of positive feedback from Vivo's users who express high satisfaction, consistently endorsing service with excellent reviews. Additionally, dedicated efforts to improve Vivo's product have cut customer service questions by half, which is a definite sign of enhanced user experience and satisfaction.


Drawing from our successful collaboration with Vivo's unique fitness program, Coral Team is ideally positioned to empower a fitness startup or an early-stage company looking to carve their niche. Whether you're transitioning from mobile to web or aiming to unify disparate platforms into a singular, robust product, our expertise is your gateway to innovation and growth. With Coral Team, startups of all kinds can access reliable experience and open doors to groundbreaking innovation.